Land of the Free, Home of the Brave
We were born here, and we were raised with a dream: a dream written down more than two hundred years ago by some folks who got out of a pret
Whose Plantation You Workin' On?
We have indeed become slaves to technology.
The Oklahoma Sportsman
"Hello, hunters and outdoorsmen everywhere! This is Bruce Dewitt, and welcome to The Oklahoma Sportsman, where each week we bring you...
A Whiz Bang Disaster
“Oui, Oui” said Fifi , so Ben took her into the bedroom and pointed out the bathroom. Being a gentleman, he turned to walk out the door....
At the Monastery
Ben had never been in this place before—a huge room, found at the end of the long hallway, just off the main entrance. Residents were not...
The Impossible Cure
My friend Ben used to watch old Lewis hobble along the sidewalk of the downtown square back in Enid, Oklahoma. Lewis always had his...